I had the privilege of watching Ramona Prater bring the words of her book to life when I saw her speak at an event a few months ago. What stood out to me was that she had a very different view point than that which we are used to hearing when it comes to women. The common message is usually that women should be strong and independent. While her book doesn’t necessarily say that this way of thinking is wrong, it definitely shakes up the idea by addressing some very powerful truths.
It all boils down to us being honest with ourselves. Many of us say we don’t need a man, and technically this may be true, but at the end of the day, most of us want a man, want a healthy relationship and want a marriage that works.
Throughout the book there are several instances where she forces us to be honest with ourselves by making bold statements and observations about our behaviors and choices as women. The first statement that caught my attention in her speech and then again in her book was when she said, quite simply, “…No man wants…another man.” This statement was in reference to the idea that feminine freedom means that we are so strong and powerful that we don’t need a man, yet we continue to date men while simultaneously asserting these beliefs. A partnership is all about balance and while two people in a relationship may not necessarily need one another to survive, it’s definitely nice to share your life with someone that adds value to it.
In her chapter entitled, “Damsels in Distress” she makes mention of something that several people think, but rarely say, “There are women who have decided on their own that they will take on ‘Motherhood’ without the consent of a man, you know who you are…and you should be ashamed of yourself.” This bold statement brings light to a situation where women often take on the role of victim. Her words almost dare them instead to take responsibility for their choices. This is just one of several examples where she calls us out on our stuff.
The two quotes that I’ve shared with you are merely a taste of how “In the Pink” is a feisty, daring and powerful read. Ramona Prater is not afraid to make bold and powerful statements of truth that make us really take inventory of what it means to be a woman. It makes me think of something that I heard someone say in a relationship workshop that I’ll never forget. The instructor said something like, “All men aren’t dogs. If we’ve been in several relationships that have failed, we are the only common denominator in all of those relationships. So maybe it’s time to take a look at ourselves.”
This is exactly what Ms. Prater’s book does…she forces us to take an honest look at ourselves as women. As you read her book you will be challenged to think about what you really want, what you really need and what you really need to do to get those things. She explores the power of practicing silence, our tendency to enable our sons to the point where they can’t reach their full potential as men, submission and self-care.
This is a quick yet powerful book that I think all women should read. Whether you agree or disagree with her way of thinking, this work is thought provoking and would make for a great catalyst for discussion among women, as well as between men and women thus making it an excellent book club selection.
For more information, or to purchase the book, visit InThePinkBook.com
Reviewed by: Monica Marie Jones www.monicamariejones.com
Excellent review...thank you